Tree Uplighting Landscape


Tree Uplighting Landscape

expert landscape lighting seattle bellevue britescape

expert landscape lighting seattle bellevue britescape Source: website

ways create curb appeal increase home values

ways create curb appeal increase home values Source: website

uplighting trees garden club

uplighting trees garden club Source: website

Landscape Tree Lighting Tips – The Home Depot

Uplighting means simply using grounded lamps to direct light up at the trunk or canopy of a tree in your landscape. The two most popular forms of lamp for tree-lighting are stake-mounted lamps and in-ground lamps, those with the body of the lamp set into the ground. Read more…

Hardscaping 101: Landscape Uplighting – Gardenista

As part of an overall landscape lighting plan, uplighting is particularly good at spotlighting focal points of your garden and home. Specifically, uplights will: Highlight garden features, including your prized plants or architectural features. Read more…

Understanding How to Uplight Trees in Your Landscape

Once darkness creeps in, your yard may look a bit spooky. By adding uplighting to the trees, you’re able to illuminate beautiful areas of the yard without making it overly bright or adding too much to the yard. There is a certain way to uplight your trees, as well as certain fixtures that should be used for this type of landscape lighting. Read more…
